
Day 166: June 15, 2010

Fountain Detail

For those of you keeping score at home, this week I began my PhD program at the University of Toledo.  I'm actually enrolled in a grant-funded program designed to grant a Master's degree but as I already have one, I'm applying as many of these courses as possible to the PhD.  At any rate, this means I am in class from 9-5 Mon-Fri for the next six weeks.  It's a bit intense and takes up a great deal of my time, therefore a lot of my weekday photos in the near future will most likely be of shots of UT.

Today I arrived early so I could walk around a bit and get some shots.  This is a close-up of a fountain that is near the Education Dept. buildings.  I like the way the surrounding buildings are reflected yet distorted.  It was an overcast morning so the lighting was not ideal, but in general, I'm pleased with the shot.

1 comment:

  1. The sheets of water certainly do make for some interesting patterns and effects! Good luck with your PhD program at UT!
