
Day 183: July 2, 2010

Peace Portal

Today was another beautiful, sunny day - we've really lucked out with the weather this week.  I sat on a bench at UT to review my notes and flash cards one last time before the final exam for physics this morning before class started.  I was sitting on a bench near this sculpture, titled "Peace Portal" by Shawn Morin.  The brushed metal really stood out in the early morning sun, and I thought black and white really brought out the highlights.  Sooo glad that physics is over - we're halfway through this summer's coursework - Chemistry starts on Tuesday! Thankfully we have a three day weekend to relax.  I also realized I'm halfway through this year of photo-blogging! Time flies when you're busy.

This photo is part of The Weekend in Black and White (formerly Monochrome Weekend).


  1. Yes, that brushed metal really converts nicely to b/w! The light is really captured in the texture! Very cool sculpture. Hope you aced that exam!!!

  2. It makes very interesting shapes, and the texture of the metal really stands out.

  3. is this cropped? interesting how the brushed metal shows where the light comes from. Would love to see this bigger and with a more shallow depth of field!

  4. It is cropped slightly. I only had my kit lens with me, and no tripod, so this was the best I could do while keeping the entire sculpture in the frame. It's a largish sculpture - maybe 2-2.5 meters high.
