
Day 36: February 5, 2010

Snowy View


It's snowing. Again. Saw a couple of shot possibilities driving home today but it was too cold, windy, and just plain icky to stop.  I shot this from inside my car while stopped at a red light.  Rolled down the window and shot - being sure to keep the camera safely inside the car!  
I've always liked this house. It's kind of sad to see it falling into disrepair, although it does give it more visual interest.  I had no idea I'd captured the fast falling snow as well until I uploaded the pics to my computer.  Not entirely thrilled with the overall result but it does give me some ideas of things to try in the future.


  1. It's like snow bokeh! Very nice shot - looks like a gingerbread house. It looks familiar. Where is it?

  2. Heh heh. Yeah - snow bokeh! That's it!

    The house is at the corner of Berdan and Secor. If memory serves me correctly, one of my grandmother's friends used to live in it but I've never been in it.

  3. This is a great one. I really like the snow.

  4. Thanks Steve! Always fun to see something unexpected when you upload!

  5. The snow bokeh looks really nice!
