
Day 37: February 6, 2010

Monochrome Weekend: Tree Root


Saw this tree root while at a park today.  It was interesting in color - parts are actually green from algae (I think), but it is more interesting in monochrome.  Please visit Monochrome Weekend for more monochrome photos from around the world.


  1. All those tones look great in monochrome!

  2. This really does look good in monochrome. Maybe it's just me but I get a sense of swirling movement from it.

  3. Beautiful detail and texture. It almost seems to be looking at me...

  4. It wasn't Wildwood Park by chance? I was in Wildwood on Saturday early afternoon (where I shot the birds nest on my post). Haha! I was hovering around the Manor house this time.

    Anyway, I like your root in b/w - very cool! Love the tonal range and depth of the textures. Well done! And good for you for trekking out in the fresh snow!

  5. Good tonal range and textures on this shot.

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Yolanda - nope - it was Foxglove Park. A tiny park at the end of the street I grew up on. Check out my fb page for the pics of the ducks from the same shoot. Crazy stuff.

  7. Lovely tones and textures!
