
Day 41: February 10, 2010

Snowy Woods


 The snow finally stopped falling after 29 hours and nearly a foot of accumulation on the ground.  I ventured out to Wildwood Metropark to shoot the snow in the woods.  Everything looked frosted in snow.  Very pretty and peaceful - there were not many people there today!  I took more shots of my intended target, 10-Mile Creek (which meanders through the property), but decided this one was better. The others can be seen on my Picasa public page (link in the sidebar).

1 comment:

  1. Nice shots from Wildwood! Good for you for trekking out in the deep stuff! the photos realy show the amount of snow that we actually got! I hope you enjoyed your snow days! Oh, and let's definitely try the smoke photography project. It looks interesting and fun!
