
Day 106: April 16, 2010

Reflections of Spring

Took a walk in Sylvania's Harroun Park today - can't believe I've never been there! I want to back and spend more time exploring all the paths.  Everything is green and the frogs were chorusing.  There was evidence of much flooding everywhere and the creek was running pretty fast.  Some of these trees are marked with a white dot of paint - hoping that doesn't mean they are slated for removal.

I really like what is happening just under the log in the picture below - this was a very shallow amount of water - it's hard to tell what's above water, what's a reflection, and what's a shadow.

Today's post is inspired by Weekend Reflections.


  1. Seems I have a lot of images similar to this with all the flooding we've seen! I do enjoy the reflections though! You captured some beautiful reflections and shadows in the water. Can't say I've ever been to this park either.

  2. Beautiful pictures. I see what you mean about "under the log" - there is almost an orange glow there.
