
Day 117: April 27, 2010

Shadows, New Leaves, and a Bird!

The oak trees have new yellow leaves/seed pods and I liked the contrast of the yellow against the blue tonight.  However, after I uploaded this pic to my computer I noticed the shadows the setting sun made with the branches on the trunk and if you embiggen the shot you can even see a little robin on one of the branches! I didn't even know it was there when I took the picture!

(Also - what did Blogger do it's picture uploading interface?!  I mean it works, but I'm not sure why it needed to change!)

1 comment:

  1. I see the lil bird! Awesome! Lately I've noticed I've captured little bugs or spiders that I didn't even realize were there when I took the photo!

    I like the yellow against the blue, really nice!
