
Day 31 January 31, 2010

Repetition and Lighting


Stopped at IKEA today to pick up a replacement shade for the one our kitten destroyed last week.  I find IKEA to be a dangerous place for me - all those clean lines and orderliness really appeal to me.  I want to buy one of everything!  I thought the colors of these bathroom rugs were eye-catching.  The interesting thing about these rugs is all three stacks of orange rugs are the EXACT SAME color!  The only difference is the amount of light or shade each stack had.  The taller stack in back was under a shelf and was shaded, while the front stack was directly under a florescent spotlight.  Someday in the future when I have time to learn more about and play more with lighting, I am going to come back to this photo.

The bottom picture here I took simply because the way these lanterns were displayed appealed to me.  Seemed to work better in monochrome, and as it's still the (Monochrome) weekend, I thought I'd include it here.


  1. I really need to start carrying my camera with me!! I love the lanterns! Great shots!!

  2. Oh what fun shots! It's fun to experiment with light and patterns. Places like Ikea (or even the grocery store) have so many opportunities for these types of experiments. When I saw the thumbnail of your shot, I thought it was a stack of pancakes... :) mmmmmmm pancakes...

  3. Anonymous - they are bathroom rugs in the first photo and lanterns in the second.

  4. I like the monochrome lanterns very much. I like their arrangement and the grid above - patterns everywhere!
