
Day 90: March 31, 2010

Crocus Cliché

More crocus are finally up and blooming in my yard - apparently this is later than most people around here, but at least they're up!  Can't believe how warm it's supposed to get later this week! So glad I'm on Spring Break and should be able to get out and enjoy it.


Day 89: March 30, 2010

A rose is a rose is a rose...

Had a little fun and silliness playing around with post-processing in GIMP.  All the teachers at school got a single, long-stemmed, red rose on Friday.  Today, mine was opened to perfection and the sunlight was streaming in the windows - just begging me to take it's picture! So I did.


Day 88: March 29, 2010

Finally Flowers!

Apparently, Spring is coming a little later to my yard than to the yards of other people.  This is as far as my purple crocus have gotten - but at least they're up!  The weather was much nicer today - with promises of temps in the upper 70'sF by Friday!  Now if only my virus would go away so I could enjoy the spring weather.


Day 87: March 28, 2010

A Great Day for Ducks

OK, so this was taken Friday when the weather was nicer.  Today it rained.  All day. Temps never got above 45F.  Nothing but gray and dreary everywhere you look.  So I decided I'd rather look at this picture of a Male Mallard duck at Flower Hospital pond instead!


Day 86: March 27, 2010


Bowling Green State University is about 20 miles south of Toledo and is home to the closest curling ice!  Many people are more familiar with the sport of curling since the Winter Olympics but I've been a fan for years. (A side effect of getting a Canadian TV channel in pre-cable days growing up I think.)  A group of folks I've gotten to know over the past year or so have an annual curling day down at BG.  Most of them drive down from Ann Arbor to have some fun throwing stones on pebbled ice.  Unfortunately this year, I was a spectator again due mostly to being unavoidably late due to District Science Fair duties and partly to still being sick.

At any rate, the lighting was terrible and I forgot to bring my tripod, so I was less than happy with most of my pictures from today. 


Day 85: March 26, 2010

Reflection of Flight
On the way to pick up my daughter from school today, I stopped off at Flower Hospital to see what the birds were up to.  The hospital has several ponds with a large population of ducks, geese, and seagulls.  I'm still recovering from a nasty virus which has taken up residence in my lungs, so being able to get shots like this within a couple of meters of my car was a bonus!

I didn't set out to photograph the seagulls, but this guy flew right in front of me so I raised the camera and pressed the button.  He's a little blurry at full magnification, but I liked the reflections in the water I ended up with.  I'll have to go back another day when I have my tripod and when it's a teensy bit warmer - only 37F today!

This photo is part of the Weekend Reflections community.


Day 84: March 25, 2010


Caught Colby napping like this on the couch tonight and thought, yeah, that's pretty much how I feel.  I've been felled by a particularly nasty virus.  Waiting for the antibiotics to kick in and sleeping a lot.  The doctor actually wrote me a note for work so I'd stay home for two days - she knew I wouldn't otherwise.  Whatever this virus is, it's felled two of the doctors in the practice - both are home sick themselves.  It's rampant in school - the majority of my daughter's class has it, resulting in 20-30% of the class out sick each day this week.  Thank goodness spring break starts next Thursday!

And in crocus-spotting news - mine are finally up! But it rained and snowed (shudder) all day long so they stayed closed up tight.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll have happier pictures to post of pretty flowers!


Day 83: March 24, 2010


This little guy is about 2.5 cm long and 1.5 cm high.  Just one of the little frogs I've accumulated over the years.  Still feeling under the weather today and wasn't overly inspired.  Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in and I'll feel more energetic tomorrow.


Day 82: March 23, 2010

Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You!

Our big cat, Colby, loves treats and comes running when the "treat drawer" is opened.  My daughter likes to feed him treats, and despite the look of this photo, he doesn't bite HER - just the treat!  I love how he uses his (polydactyl) paws to grab and stabilize her hand as he grabs the treat with his mouth.

Not the best shot - cats move fast! But I'm still fighting the virus from last week, and just didn't have the energy for a lengthier photo shoot, despite the beautiful sunshine outside.


Day 81: March 22, 2010

Injured Tree

Today was maybe 40F and rainy.  Needless to say, I did not get out to take any new pictures today!  This is from the park this weekend.  I have no idea what happened to this tree, but it doesn't seem to have slowed it down too much.  I'm always amazed at the injuries trees seem to adapt to, and in this case, the injury makes the tree a lot more interesting to look at! I wouldn't have given it a second glance if it were whole and unblemished.


Day 80: March 21, 2010

Land (and Museum) Before Time

Today we visited the University of Michigan Exhibit Museum of Natural History in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  We hadn't been there in about eight years, but nothing has changed.  In fact, most of the exhibits look as if they haven't been touched in about 40 years.  The signs appear almost hand-lettered, and a display of the "new" museum features a photo of someone using a computer that was on the market circa 1983.

However, it is a pretty fun way to spend a gray Sunday afternoon.  We went mainly for the planetarium show (the planetarium is on the 4th floor of the museum) and weren't disappointed.  They renovated the small planetarium in 2007.  Admission is free, though donations are suggested and there is a small fee for planetarium shows.

Each floor is dedicated to a different theme.  My favorite is always the second floor - prehistoric creatures.  I still can't understand why they choose to leave a very inaccurate painting up of one type of dinosaur. Instead, they added a plaque explaining the inaccuracies in the painting.  The skeletons are pretty impressive, however, with many soaring overhead on wires like the one in the above photo.

There's a floor dedicated to wildlife native to Michigan.  Nothing but display cases full of taxidermied creatures - everything from fish to birds to frogs and salamanders.  They do have a wolverine as well, but make a point to note it is not native to Michigan.  (On a side note, the last wild wolverine in the state of Michigan was found dead last week.)  The fourth floor has the planetarium as well as exhibits related to earth science - lots of really cool (fairly large) rock and mineral samples as well as impressive fossils.

I really like the first floor, too. The entryway is a circular area with an intricate ceiling - the various rooms are situated around the circle, with two curved stairways leading up to the exhibit floors.  Part of the ceiling is shown in the photo below.


Day 79: March 20, 2010

Vernal Equinox

Finally made it out to Toledo Botanical Gardens today - a day too late for the spring weather, despite what the calendar says about today.  I liked the yellow of this weeping willow tree.

Ducks and geese were everywhere - it was a very noisy park!  Both the swans and the geese allowed me to get pretty close before shying away - I think they were hoping for a handout of bread.

This guy was the only one wearing a neck tag and leg band. 

The swans hunted for food in the shallow water under a bridge.


Day 78: March 19, 2010

Trees on the Last Day of Winter

The bare branches are starting to reveal their baby leaves.  Today is the last day of winter (yay!) and the trees are ready for spring - buds and teensy leaves everywhere.  This one looked better in monochrome but you may have to embiggen it to see the actual leaflets.  This shot is a part of Monochrome Weekend.

The shot below is of one of those little things I don't think many people notice.  The tree sits on the side of the main path in the "new" part of Wildwood Metropark, just across from the meadow.  I know the park system purchased this land from various people - apparently one of them left an old bed spring at the foot of a tree.  Over the years, the tree has grown over and around the bed spring - it almost looks as if it's eaten it!


Day 77: March 18, 2010

Monochrome Birdbath

A bit of a cheat today.  Actually took this shot last week, but today was incredibly busy - just no time to shoot.  Which is a shame, because the day was glorious! I so wanted to get outside with my camera, but life just got in the way.  Hopefully there'll be more time tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be equally grand.

This birdbath is on the Lourdes College campus.  Kind of looks like St. Francis is walking on water.  It's a few hours too early for Monochrome Weekend, but if you're viewing this on Friday - go take a look at the site!


Day 76: March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day!

I returned to my classroom after a meeting this morning to find a little pot of shamrocks on my desk! I have no idea who gave them to me, but they are very pretty.  The white of the flowers contrast nicely with the green leaves.

St. Patrick's Day was always celebrated in a big way in my family.  We had a huge Irish flag that got hung out every year, my mom would color all our food green with green food coloring (green milk, anyone?), and my dad would drag out his record albums of the Irish Rovers and the Clancy Brothers.  I think some of his records may even have been 78rpm.  I even took Irish Step Dancing lessons in first grade - long before Lord of the Dance became all the rage.  While not ALL of my ancestors hailed from the Emerald Isle, most on my father's side did, as well as some on my mother's side.

A happy St. Patrick's Day to you wherever you are in the world today!


Day 75: March 16, 2010

First Sprouts!

The weather has been VERY mild and spring-like around here.  Still under the weather, but did venture out to my front yard to see if anything had sprouted yet.  I'm renting this house, and some former tenant planted incredible amounts of flowers.  Things bloom all spring and summer long.  

Sure enough, nestled up to the big Oak tree in front of my house were these teeny tiny sprouts!  I think they just emerged from the ground today.  If I recall correctly, these are crocus with purple and white flowers.  There's some moss growing on the trees and in the cracks between paving blocks on the patio as well.  Spring officially arrives at 3:22 pm Saturday, but it sure feels and looks like Spring today!


Day 74: March 15, 2010

Beware the Ides of March!

No, today's title has nothing to do with the photos.  But the Ides of March ushered in a nasty virus in my house. We were both home sick today - fever of 101 F for me. Bleh.  Therefore, no new shots.  Instead, you get more of the Cathedral from Friday!


Day 73: March 14, 2010

A Pi-Day Concert!

Attended a concert today by the UMBAA (University of Michigan Band Alumni Association) Concert Band.  I'm friends with a few of the folks in the band, and also attended their dress rehearsal earlier today.  This is a shot of the wooden xylophone on stage.  I think it works well in monochrome.  I wish I could have isolated it a bit more to cut down on background distractions in the shot, but it wasn't my instrument to touch!  

As today was Pi Day (i.e. 3/14 or 3.14 using North American conventions for dates), the program for today's concert listed a few "newer" players.  Namely, Sir Cumference, Di Ameter, and Pi R Squared.

Day 72: March 13, 2010

Dinner at Amadeus

Dined last night (the 13th) at Amadeus restaurant in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  Amadeus is a unique restaurant that features Central European dishes - namely Polish, Austrian, and Hungarian.  The feel is very "old-world", though the prices are very 2010.  Service was excellent (even our sever had an eastern-European or Russian accent).  The food was both authentic and delicious - much of the menu was written in anglicized Polish, though translations were provided.  

There's even a live piano player!  I really, really wanted to take a photo of him playing with a Beethoven score on the piano, but refrained so as not to disturb the other diners.  Actually, I wanted to take a LOT of photos of the place, but it's a small, elegant place with a lot of distinguished looking guests, so I restrained myself. 

I did sneak a picture of our dessert, above.  It was called simply "Turtle" on the menu. It's essentially a lava-cake with caramel and pecans on top, covered in chocolate ganache.  Super-rich and delicious!


Day 71: March 12, 2010

Our Lady Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral

Tonight was my daughter's Confirmation.  It was held at the above-named Cathedral - the seat of the Toledo Diocese and presided over by the Bishop.  I really want to go back to the Cathedral when I have time to take more pictures of it.  I had to take hand-held shots very quickly tonight before the Mass started.  

The Diocese of Toledo is exactly 100 years old - the Cathedral is a little younger.  My mom told the story tonight of how my grandmother (her mom) grew up in the neighborhood near the Cathedral when it was being built.  She remembers the artists who painted the interior visiting her neighborhood and sketching the girls to use as models for the paintings of angels that adorn the interior.  My grandma is 94 so that gives you an idea of the time period it was built in.

The interior is extremely detailed and colorful.  There are almost too many details to take in.  And example of what I mean can be seen in the photo below.  I may use a few of the other shots I took tonight later this week.


Day 70: March 11, 2010

Journey to Japan (without leaving home)

Today's photo is a bit of a cheat as I didn't take it today.  Today was a crazy busy day involving incomplete car repair, a fog delay and various and sundry other annoyances.  This is a picture of what our school library (half of it, anyway) looked like for Right to Read Week: Journey to Japan.  Our librarian does a phenomenal job of decorating for the theme each year.  I (and a couple of others) taught a bunch of students how to fold origami paper cranes and they were strung up and hung from the ceiling, which really added to the overall feel.  The students all got to participate in a Japanese Tea Ceremony at the low table, and there were Japanese-themed activities all week, including a visit from a local Sushi chef at lunch one day.

Most of my photos from the week were of students, and I won't post those without permission from parents, so you're stuck with static shots.  Below is a close-up shot of some of the origami cranes.


Day 69: March 10, 2010

A Break in the Clouds

We finally seem to be coming out of winter - temperatures have been downright balmy! (As long as you consider 50 F balmy.)  Today, some rain moved in and continued sporadically throughout the day.  As we were leaving my daughter's knee Dr. appointment today, she looked up and said, "Oooh! Pretty clouds!"  Naturally, I had the camera in the car and was able to get this shot from the parking lot.


Day 68: March 9, 2010

Italian Chapel

Super hectic day today, so no time for a photo shoot.  Instead, I have more pictures from Saturday's shoot at Lourdes College.  This is the little chapel that the bells in Saturday's post are part of.  It's a replica of a chapel in Italy.  

It's absolutely tiny and perfectly intimate.  Filled with relics and gold as well as colored glass chandeliers with candles, stained glass windows, and a stone floor.  There are only four small pews and a kneeler at the altar that spans the very back of the building.  It's a dedicated place of silence and many people - both Franciscan nuns and lay persons come to pray there every day.  There's a tiny library of books that are free for the taking in the entrance way.  

The shot below is a monochrome shot of the tiled roof.  Many of the buildings on campus sport tiled roofs just like this one.  The property (simultaneously campus and convent) is truly a beautiful place.


Day 67: March 8, 2010

Meet Izzy!

Izzy is a Mountain Lizard I got for my classroom in the fall.  She's normally quite shy and doesn't move around much during the day.  Today, however, I caught her drinking from her water dish, water dripping from her chin (yes, that's algae I need to clean from the bottom of it - it's not that vibrant in RL - honest!).

I took the lid off her tank and stuck the camera INTO the tank to get this shot.  I love the pattern of scales on her front legs!  

She doesn't look very pleased with her photo shoot in the pic below, but despite the illusion of movement, she was frozen in place the entire time.


Day 66: March 7, 2010

Circle Vase


I bought this vase at an art show years ago - it used to hold ivy that twined around the circular frame.  I came across the vase again today and decided to try it with some cuttings from another plant.  Not too sure it will work as well, but it made for a somewhat interesting shot.  I still need to get more lighting options and learn more about light.


Day 65: March 6, 2010

Chapel Bells and St. Francis

Today my daughter attended her Confirmation Retreat.  They ended their day at the little chapel on the campus of Lourdes College.  While waiting for her to finish, I snapped a few photos.  This is the top of the little chapel, with its three red bells.  The cross gets rather lost amongst all the branches - I want to come back when the trees are full and see if it makes a difference in the shot.  The sky really was this color blue today - we finally had a break from cold, gray days!

The statue below depicts St. Francis of Assisi and the wolf at Gubbio.  Legend says St. Francis tamed a wild wolf that had been terrorizing the town, using his gift of communing with nature and all God's creatures.  The statue is quite dark and I felt the details showed up better in monochrome.  You can just make out the corner of the chapel above in the background of this shot.


Day 64: March 5, 2010

Monochrome Weekend: Ceiling Detail

This is the center of the ceiling of a tunnel leading into (or out of, depending on one's perspective) the Law Quad at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.  I am always in awe of the craftsmanship that went into old stone buildings.  To pay this much attention to detail on the ceiling of a TUNNEL?  Amazing!  The buildings in the quad are almost exactly 100 years old.  I wonder how many stonemasons are left that can carve like this?

This post is part of Monochrome Weekend.


Day 63: March 4, 2010



Our school's art teacher always does a great job of decorating her hallway for the Right to Read Week theme. This year she painted a large dragon (which may be more Chinese than Japanese).  His head is seen here - his body continues across her door and down the hallway.  I wish I had this sort of talent!


Day 62: March 3, 2010

Where Does Time Go and Why is it Covered in Ivy?

I think this is the latest I have posted.  Was at school over 13 hours today.  Tonight was Family Night for Right to Read Week.  I took nearly 50 photos of the kids and their parents reading and making all sorts of Japanese-themed crafts, but as I don't have permission to post them here, you're stuck with more photos from Sunday's trip to the U of M Law Quad.  

I really liked this clock - the ivy has grown over it completely - I wonder if it is even visible in summer?  I almost didn't notice it at all but happened to look up at just the right moment to see it peeking through the trees.

There's been a bit of stress at work lately - lots of changes afoot as my school enters into a new level of partnership with the College (both my school and the college are under the umbrella of the Sisters of St. Francis).  Sometimes, it just helps to keep a decent perspective.  Or to change your perspective.  Like in the shot below, which I find both silly and kind of neat.


Day 61: March 2, 2010

All Creatures Great and Small

This little guy was sitting in front of my sock drawer this morning (better than IN my sock drawer, I suppose).  I grabbed my glasses and camera and snapped this shot immediately.  I then got down on the floor to attempt a more eye-to-eye(s) view, and it RAN TOWARD ME!  At that point I decided this shot would do just fine!  It was about 2.5 cm (1 in) long - a different sort of spider than I featured back in January.  No, I didn't kill it - spiders do a good job of eating bugs that actually bother me (like flies and mosquitoes in warmer weather).

It was a much larger (and cuter!) animal that caught my eye on Sunday while at the U of M Law Quad.  Fat squirrels are the norm on a college campus and with the students on Spring Break, these guys were hungry and fairly fearless of people.



Day 60: March 1, 2010

Snow Sculptures

During my visit to Ann Arbor this weekend, I saw a few examples of what college students do with a couple of feet of snow!  These bears sit outside the (in)famous Blimpy Burger restaurant - an Ann Arbor icon. They were getting a little dingy from passing cars' exhaust, but I still thought they were cute.

The snow family below graced the otherwise undisturbed snow in the U of  M Law Quad.  It's hard to shoot white snow people against white snow, but they were too sweet to pass up.


I actually did take photos today, but they were mostly of students at my school enjoying a Japanese tea ceremony as we kicked off our Japanese-themed "Right to Read" week.