
Day 78: March 19, 2010

Trees on the Last Day of Winter

The bare branches are starting to reveal their baby leaves.  Today is the last day of winter (yay!) and the trees are ready for spring - buds and teensy leaves everywhere.  This one looked better in monochrome but you may have to embiggen it to see the actual leaflets.  This shot is a part of Monochrome Weekend.

The shot below is of one of those little things I don't think many people notice.  The tree sits on the side of the main path in the "new" part of Wildwood Metropark, just across from the meadow.  I know the park system purchased this land from various people - apparently one of them left an old bed spring at the foot of a tree.  Over the years, the tree has grown over and around the bed spring - it almost looks as if it's eaten it!


  1. I love that second shot! You did a good job seeing the invisible, or what people usually don't see, and making it a piece of art.

  2. That first photo is absolutely lovely, like black lace. It's so good to see the buds growing at last. The second photo looks like the sort of thing we see quite often around here - unwanted bed frames of all sorts are cheaper than buying fencing!

  3. Great minds think alike. :-) Nice work on the photos.

    I'm always looking at trees. They have so many different shapes, colors, patterns. This is another one I took yesterday.

  4. I love bare branches against the sky, one of my favorite subjects. The second photo is great. Nice composition on both.
