
Day 77: March 18, 2010

Monochrome Birdbath

A bit of a cheat today.  Actually took this shot last week, but today was incredibly busy - just no time to shoot.  Which is a shame, because the day was glorious! I so wanted to get outside with my camera, but life just got in the way.  Hopefully there'll be more time tomorrow as the weather is supposed to be equally grand.

This birdbath is on the Lourdes College campus.  Kind of looks like St. Francis is walking on water.  It's a few hours too early for Monochrome Weekend, but if you're viewing this on Friday - go take a look at the site!

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty statue - I need to start coming over to your campus to shoot! This would make a great photo with birds in the water too! I pray to St. Francis to keep giving us these glorious days! Hope you are feeling better! Nice in B/W, btw :)
