
Day 82: March 23, 2010

Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You!

Our big cat, Colby, loves treats and comes running when the "treat drawer" is opened.  My daughter likes to feed him treats, and despite the look of this photo, he doesn't bite HER - just the treat!  I love how he uses his (polydactyl) paws to grab and stabilize her hand as he grabs the treat with his mouth.

Not the best shot - cats move fast! But I'm still fighting the virus from last week, and just didn't have the energy for a lengthier photo shoot, despite the beautiful sunshine outside.


  1. Hehe! He looks hungry and wants his treat NOW! :) Love the paws! I hope you are feeling better - I have not been myself lately for the past few days either.

  2. Lovely cat. My what big paws you have!
