
Day 134: May 14, 2010


(OK not really.)  We've been inundated by these brilliant orange and brown moths for a few days now.  They swarm around the yard in twos, threes, and fives in some sort of intricate, high-speed mating dance only they understand.  The moment they land, their wings fold up and they are nearly impossible to see, blending in perfectly with their surroundings - not a hint of orange color showing.  They move so quickly in the air I despaired of every capturing them on film.

And then today, with the warmth of the sun fading, they began to alight on the fence and open their wings to the sun.  This little guy let me get close enough to snap a few quick shots.  In fact, until I looked at this picture and saw the furry antennae tips, I'd been calling these guys butterflies!  I'm not sure what species they are but have been fun to watch!


  1. The last few times I have tried to photograph butterflies my dog has tried to eat them. Fortunately they were quick to fly away from him.

    Great photo and great job looking for the perfect moment. It can be so tricky.

  2. Mothra... you're silly ;) I have not seen these moths around, but nice that you captured him! They must be fun to watch!
