
Day 144: May 24, 2010


I found this Swallowtail butterfly feeding on nectar while on my way back through campus today after dropping off the band students at practice for tomorrow's Festival of the Arts.  Normally, yellow would seem to be a rather dangerous color for a little insect, but if it hadn't been flying when I was looking, I would not have seen it on this bush.   I cropped this photo in pretty tightly (hence the less than perfect sharpness) and upped the contrast a bit to make it a bit easier to see the butterfly.  I was only able to get this one shot before it flew off.


  1. Nice capture! I had a huge crop on my post today too. Sometimes the winged creatures move too quickly for us! But good for you for getting this gorgeous composition!

  2. Butterflies and honeysuckle! My favorite!!! Great shot, love all the yellow with the green leaves!!!

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